21 Days of Prayer & Fasting - Day 17

Day 17 - Wed 1/24/24
Good day to each of you!  Let's go in...

Devotional Scripture & Thought
Here is today's scripture with underlined areas of the verse(s) for us ALL to contemplate. I will share a brief thought and you are invited to share your thoughts about the scripture and those highlighted areas in the comments below...

"As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God." 1 Peter 4:10 (NKJV) 

One question for you...? What are you waiting for? This short verse has the fuel to launch us individually and collectively into a different gear of ministry. Here's the stone cold truth... each and every one of us has a gift. Let me say this once more. Each and every one of us has a gift. Not, we may have a gift! Not, I have the same gift as the next person! Not, I am unsure if I have a gift! NO, each one of us has some sort of gift. Have you come to understand yours? Have you tried to find out what it is?

It might not be as obvious as singing in front of everyone, but you and I have got to find and keep finding what gift(s) we have received so that we can serve one another with them. This is how we are good stewards of the multiplied grace of God. I hope you hear this in the year of "ACTIVATED", we are good stewards of God's grace when we actively minister the gifts He has given to us to one another. I'll end in the same place I started... What are you waiting for?

What are you reading and what are some of your thoughts...?

My Journey's Observations
More cold and tasty protein shakes, and soup for me. I did catch myself starting to look at a social media reel and laughed at how ingrained that activity actually is.

How about you?

(I also wanted to remind us of a great resource called RightNow Media that you have free access to for quality teaching. If you need help getting to it, please give me a call. In fact, here is an invite if you haven't already signed up.)

For those of you who are news junkies and are seeking a more healthy alternative I wanted to share something called The Pour Over. It strives to be a neutral source of news bites that decidedly points people to the bible. Remember, we should always be working to allow the Holy Spirit to empower us to plant our feet on higher (and higher, and higher...) ground.

Remember, if you slip and eat or do something you were intending to fast from, just reset and restart. That is part of the learning curve as well.

I love you with the love of God...

Have a wonderful day and a tremendously blessed week!


Pastor Kris

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